A Master In The Studio - Elvis In Nashville

Disc 1

  1. Milky White Way (take 3)
  2. Milky White Way (take 5)
  3. Milky White Way (take 7b master)
  4. Milky White Way (takes 1,2,4,6,7a)
  5. His Hand In Mine (take 1b)
  6. His Hand In Mine (take 4b)
  7. His Hand In Mine (take 5)
  8. His Hand In Mine (spliced master)
  9. His Hand In Mine (takes 1a,2,3,4a)
  10. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (take 1b)
  11. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (take 4 master)
  12. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (takes 1a,2,3)
  13. He Knows Just What I Need (take 1)
  14. He Knows Just What I Need (take 4)
  15. He Knows Just What I Need (take 7)
  16. He Knows Just What I Need (take 8)
  17. He Knows Just What I Need (take 9)
  18. He Knows Just What I Need (take 10 master)
  19. He Knows Just What I Need (takes 2,3,5,6)
  20. Surrender (take 1)
  21. Surrender (take 2)
  22. Surrender (take 4 master)
  23. Surrender (take 6)
  24. Surrender (take 9)
  25. Surrender (takes 3,5,7,8 & workpart takes 1-7)

Disc 2

  1. Mansion Over The Hilltop (take 1)
  2. Mansion Over The Hilltop (take 3b master)
  3. Mansion Over The Hilltop (takes 2,3a)
  4. In My Father's House (take 7b)
  5. In My Father's House (take 8)
  6. In My Father's House (composite master)
  7. In My Father's House (takes 1-7a & workpart take 1)
  8. Joshua Fit The Battle (take 1)
  9. Joshua Fit The Battle (take 2b)
  10. Joshua Fit The Battle (take 4 master)
  11. Joshua Fit The Battle (takes 2a,3)
  12. Swing Down Sweet Chariot (take 3)
  13. Swing Down Sweet Chariot (take 4 master)
  14. Swing Down Sweet Chariot (takes 1,2)
  15. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 1 master)
  16. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 3)
  17. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 4)
  18. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 5)
  19. I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 2)
  20. If We Never Meet Again (take 1 master)
  21. Known Only To Him (take 2)
  22. Known Only To Him (take 5b master)
  23. Known Only To Him (takes 1,3,4,5a)
  24. Crying In The Chapel (take 3 master)
  25. Crying In The Chapel (takes 1,2)
  26. Working On The Building (take 1b)
  27. Working On The Building (take 2)
  28. Working On The Building (take 4b)
  29. Working On The Building (take 5 master)
  30. Working On The Building (takes 1a,3,4a)

Disc 3

  1. I'm Comin' Home (take 2b)
  2. I'm Comin' Home (take 3)
  3. I'm Comin' Home (take 4)
  4. I'm Comin' Home (take 7 master)
  5. I'm Comin' Home (takes 1,2a,5,6a,6b)
  6. Gently (take 2)
  7. Gently (take 3)
  8. Gently (take 4)
  9. Gently (take 5b master)
  10. Gently (takes 1,5a)
  11. In Your Arms (take 1)
  12. In Your Arms (take 2 master)
  13. Give Me The Right (take 1)
  14. Give Me The Right (take 2)
  15. Give Me The Right (take 4 master)
  16. Give Me The Right (take 3)
  17. I Feel So Bad (take 1)
  18. I Feel So Bad (take 2 master)
  19. It's A Sin (take 2b)
  20. It's A Sin (take 4 master)
  21. It's A Sin (takes 1,2a,3)
  22. I Want You With Me (take 1)
  23. I Want You With Me (take 2 master)
  24. I Want You With Me (tryout)

Disc 4

  1. There's Always Me (take 1b)
  2. There's Always Me (take 2b)
  3. There's Always Me (take 4)
  4. There's Always Me (take 9)
  5. There's Always Me (take 10 master)
  6. There's Always Me (takes 1a,2a,3,5a,5b,5c,6,7a,7b,7c,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e)
  7. Starting Today (take 1)
  8. Starting Today (take 2)
  9. Starting Today (take 3b master)
  10. Starting Today (take 3a)
  11. Sentimental Me (take 1)
  12. Sentimental Me (take 2b master)
  13. Sentimental Me (take 2a)
  14. Judy (take 1c)
  15. Judy (take 4)
  16. Judy (take 8 master)
  17. Judy (takes 1a,1b,2,3,5-7)
  18. Put The Blame On Me (take 2)
  19. Put The Blame On Me (take 5 master)
  20. Put The Blame On Me (takes 1a,1b,3,4)

Disc 5

  1. Kiss Me Quick (take 1)
  2. Kiss Me Quick (take 2)
  3. Kiss Me Quick (take 3)
  4. Kiss Me Quick (take 4)
  5. Kiss Me Quick (take 6)
  6. Kiss Me Quick (take 7)
  7. Kiss Me Quick (take 9)
  8. Kiss Me Quick (take 10)
  9. Kiss Me Quick (take 11)
  10. Kiss Me Quick (take 12 master)
  11. Kiss Me Quick (takes 5,8)
  12. That's Someone You Never Forget (take 1)
  13. That's Someone You Never Forget (take 5)
  14. That's Someone You Never Forget (take 7)
  15. That's Someone You Never Forget (take 8 master)
  16. That's Someone You Never Forget (takes 2,3,4a,4b,6a,6b)
  17. I'm Yours (single version take 1)
  18. I'm Yours (single version take 2c)
  19. I'm Yours (single version take 4)
  20. I'm Yours (single version take 5)
  21. I'm Yours (single version take 6)
  22. I'm Yours (single version, composite master)
  23. I'm Yours (single version takes 2a,2b,3a,3b & workpart takes 1,2)
  24. I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 1d)
  25. I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 3b)
  26. I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 5)
  27. I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 6)
  28. I'm Yours (album version, composite master)

Disc 6

  1. His Latest Flame (take 2b)
  2. His Latest Flame (take 3b)
  3. His Latest Flame (take 4)
  4. His Latest Flame (take 6)
  5. His Latest Flame (take 8 master)
  6. His Latest Flame (take 12b)
  7. His Latest Flame (takes 1a,1b,1c,2a,3a,5a,5b,5c,5d,7,9-11,12a)
  8. Little Sister (take 3b)
  9. Little Sister (take 6)
  10. Little Sister (take 9b)
  11. Little Sister (take 12 master)
  12. Little Sister (takes 1,2,3a,4,5,7,8a,8b,9a,10,11)

Disc 7

  1. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 1)
  2. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 2)
  3. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 4)
  4. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 5b)
  5. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 6)
  6. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 7b)
  7. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 8)
  8. For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 12 master)
  9. For The Millionth And The Last Time (takes 3,5a,7a,9,10a,10b,11)
  10. Good Luck Charm (take 1)
  11. Good Luck Charm (take 4 master)
  12. Good Luck Charm (takes 2a,2b,3)
  13. Anything That's Part Of You (take 1)
  14. Anything That's Part Of You (take 2)
  15. Anything That's Part Of You (take 3)
  16. Anything That's Part Of You (take 5)
  17. Anything That's Part Of You (take 8b)
  18. Anything That's Part Of You (take 9)
  19. Anything That's Part Of You (take 10 master)
  20. Anything That's Part Of You (takes 4,6a,6b,7,8a)

Disc 8

  1. I Met Her Today (take 1)
  2. I Met Her Today (take 4)
  3. I Met Her Today (take 6b)
  4. I Met Her Today (take 7)
  5. I Met Her Today (take 9)
  6. I Met Her Today (take 13)
  7. I Met Her Today (take 14)
  8. I Met Her Today (take 16c)
  9. I Met Her Today (take 18b master)
  10. Night Rider (take 1b)
  11. Night Rider (take 2)
  12. Night Rider (take 3 master)
  13. Night Rider (take 1a)

Disc 9

  1. Something Blue (take 1)
  2. Something Blue (take 2b)
  3. Something Blue (take 4)
  4. Something Blue (take 6)
  5. Something Blue (take 7 master)
  6. Something Blue (takes 2a,3a,3b,5)
  7. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 1)
  8. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 2)
  9. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 4)
  10. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 5)
  11. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 6)
  12. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 7b master)
  13. Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (takes 3a,3b,7a)
  14. Easy Question (take 2)
  15. Easy Question (take 3b)
  16. Easy Question (take 5 master)
  17. Easy Question (takes 1,3a,4)
  18. Fountain Of Love (take 2)
  19. Fountain Of Love (take 6)
  20. Fountain Of Love (take 9)
  21. Fountain Of Love (take 10 master)
  22. Fountain Of Love (takes 1,3a,3b,4a,4b.5,7,8)
  23. Just For Old Times Sake (take 1)
  24. Just For Old Times Sake (take 4b)
  25. Just For Old Times Sake (take 5 master)
  26. Just For Old Times Sake (takes 2a,2b,3,4a)
  27. Night Rider (remake take 3)
  28. Night Rider (remake take 5, unused master)
  29. Night Rider (remake jam, takes 1,2,4)
  30. You'll Be Gone (take 1)
  31. You'll Be Gone (take 2)
  32. You'll Be Gone (take 3 master)
  33. You'll Be Gone (take 4b)
  34. You'll Be Gone (take 4a)

Disc 10

  1. I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 1)
  2. I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 2)
  3. I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 3b)
  4. I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 5 master)
  5. I Feel That I've Known You Forever (takes 3a,4a,4b)
  6. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 1)
  7. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 2)
  8. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 3)
  9. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 4)
  10. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 5)
  11. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 6 master)
  12. Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (rehearsal)
  13. Suspicion (take 1)
  14. Suspicion (take 2)
  15. Suspicion (take 4)
  16. Suspicion (take 5)
  17. Suspicion (composite master)
  18. Suspicion (take 3)
  19. She's Not You (take 1)
  20. She's Not You (take 2b)
  21. She's Not You (take 3 master)
  22. She's Not You (take 3 & unused workpart takes 1-4)

Disc 11

  1. Echoes Of Love (take 3)
  2. Echoes Of Love (take 8)
  3. Echoes Of Love (take 10 master)
  4. Echoes Of Love (takes 1,2,4-7,9)
  5. Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 1)
  6. Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 2b)
  7. Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 5b)
  8. Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 6 master)
  9. Please Don't Drag That String Around (takes 2a,3,4,5a)
  10. Devil In Disguise (take 3b)
  11. Devil In Disguise (take 6b master)
  12. Devil In Disguise (takes 1,2,3a,4,5,6a)
  13. Never Ending (take 1b)
  14. Never Ending (take 3 master)
  15. Never Ending (takes 1a,2)
  16. What Now, What Next, Where To (take 1 master)
  17. Witchcraft (take 1)
  18. Witchcraft (take 2)
  19. Witchcraft (take 3 master)
  20. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 1)
  21. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 3 master)
  22. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 2)
  23. Love Me Tonight (take 1)
  24. Love Me Tonight (take 4)
  25. Love Me Tonight (take 5b)
  26. Love Me Tonight (take 8 master)
  27. Love Me Tonight (takes 2,3,5a,6,7)

Disc 12

  1. Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 1b)
  2. Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 2)
  3. Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 1a)
  4. Long Lonely Highway (take 1, single master)
  5. Long Lonely Highway (take 2, album master)
  6. Ask Me (1963 take 1b)
  7. Ask Me (1963 take 2)
  8. Ask Me (1963 take 4)
  9. Ask Me (1963 take 6c)
  10. Ask Me (1963 takes 1a,3,5,6a,6b)
  11. Western Union (take 1b)
  12. Western Union (take 3b)
  13. Western Union (take 4 master)
  14. Western Union (takes 1a,2,3a)
  15. Slowly But Surely (take 1)
  16. Slowly But Surely (take 5 master)
  17. Slowly But Surely (takes 2-4)
  18. Blue River (take 2)
  19. Blue River (spliced master)
  20. Blue River (take 1)

Disc 13

  1. Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 1)
  2. Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 5)
  3. Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 6 master)
  4. Memphis, Tennessee (remake takes 2,3)
  5. Ask Me (remake take 2)
  6. Ask Me (remake take 3)
  7. Ask Me (remake take 7)
  8. Ask Me (remake take 9)
  9. Ask Me (remake take 11 master)
  10. Ask Me (remake takes 1,4,6,8,10)
  11. It Hurts Me (take 1)
  12. It Hurts Me (take 5 master)
  13. It Hurts Me (takes 2-4)

Disc 14

  1. Run On (take 2)
  2. Run On (take 6)
  3. Run On (take 7 master)
  4. Run On (takes 1,3-5)
  5. How Great Thou Art (take 2)
  6. How Great Thou Art (take 4 master)
  7. How Great Thou Art (takes 1,3)
  8. Stand By Me (take 2)
  9. Stand By Me (take 7)
  10. Stand By Me (take 10b)
  11. Stand By Me (take 11 master)
  12. Stand By Me (takes 1,3-6,8,9,10a)
  13. Where No One Stands Alone (composite master)
  14. Where No One Stands Alone (takes 1-4, workpart takes 1-3,5)
  15. Down In The Alley (take 1)
  16. Down In The Alley (take 6)
  17. Down In The Alley (take 9 master)
  18. Down In The Alley (takes 2-5,7.8)
  19. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (take 2b)
  20. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (take 3 master)
  21. Tomorrow Is A Long Time (takes 1,2a)

Disc 15

  1. Love Letters (take 2)
  2. Love Letters (take 7)
  3. Love Letters (take 8)
  4. Love Letters (take 9 master)
  5. Love Letters (takes 1,3-6)
  6. So High (take 1)
  7. So High (take 3)
  8. So High (take 4 master)
  9. So High (take 2)
  10. Farther Along (spliced master)
  11. Farther Along (takes 1,2)
  12. By And By (take 4b)
  13. By And By (take 9b)
  14. By And By (take 10 master)
  15. By And By (takes 1-3, 4a,5-8,9a)
  16. In The Garden (take 3 master)
  17. In The Garden (takes 1,2)
  18. Beyond The Reef (take 2 undubbed master)
  19. Beyond The Reef (overdubbed master)
  20. Beyond The Reef (take 1)

Disc 16

  1. Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 11)
  2. Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 12)
  3. Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 15b)
  4. Somebody Bigger Than You And I (composite master)
  5. Somebody Bigger Than You And I (takes 1-10,13,14,15a,16 & workpart takes 1-6)
  6. Without Him (take 1)
  7. Without Him (take 8b)
  8. Without Him (take 12 master)
  9. Without Him (take 14)
  10. Without Him (takes 2-8a,9-11,13)
  11. If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 1)
  12. If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 4)
  13. If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 5 master)
  14. If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 6)
  15. If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (takes 2,3)
  16. Where Could I Go But To The Lord (take 2 master)
  17. Where Could I Go But To The Lord (take 1)
  18. Come What May (take 2)
  19. Come What May (take 4)
  20. Come What May (take 6)
  21. Come What May (take 7)
  22. Come What May (take 8 master)
  23. Come What May (takes 1,3,5)
  24. Fools Fall In Love (take 4)
  25. Fools Fall In Love (take 5 master)
  26. Fools Fall In Love (take 1)

Disc 17

  1. Indescribably Blue (vocal overdub take 1)
  2. Indescribably Blue (vocal overdub take 2 master)
  3. I'll Remember You (vocal overdub take 2)
  4. I'll Remember You (edited spliced master)
  5. I'll Remember You (unedited master)
  6. I'll Remember You (vocal overdub takes 1,3)
  7. If Everyday Was Like Christmas (take 2, undubbed master)
  8. If Everyday Was Like Christmas (overdubbed master)
  9. If Everyday Was Like Christmas (take 1)
  10. Suppose (#1, original home recording 1966)
  11. Suppose (#2, original home recording 1966)
  12. Suppose (overdubbed master)

Disc 18

  1. Guitar Man (take 5b)
  2. Guitar Man (take 9)
  3. Guitar Man (take 12b undubbed unedited master)
  4. Guitar Man - What'd I Say (overdubbed unedited master)
  5. Guitar Man (master)
  6. Guitar Man (takes 1-4,5a,6,7,10,11,12a)
  7. Big Boss Man (take 2c)
  8. Big Boss Man (take 9b)
  9. Big Boss Man (take 11 master)
  10. Big Boss Man (takes 1,2a,2b,3-5,7,8,9a)
  11. Mine (take 4)
  12. Mine (take 7b instrumental)
  13. Mine (take 9)
  14. Mine (take 13)
  15. Mine (master)
  16. Mine (takes 1-3,5,6,7a,8)
  17. Singing Tree (take 1)
  18. Singing Tree (take 4)
  19. Singing Tree (take 8)
  20. Singing Tree (take 13, unused master)
  21. Singing Tree (takes 2,10)
  22. Just Call Me Lonesome (take 1 master)
  23. Just Call Me Lonesome (take 4)
  24. Just Call Me Lonesome (take 6)
  25. Just Call Me Lonesome (takes 3,5)

Disc 19

  1. Hi-Heel Sneakers (take 5)
  2. Hi-Heel Sneakers (take 7 unedited master)
  3. Hi-Heel Sneakers (master)
  4. Hi-Heel Sneakers (takes 1,6)
  5. You Don’t Know Me (take 2)
  6. You Don't Know Me (spliced master)
  7. You Don't Know Me (spliced single master)
  8. We Call On Him (take 2)
  9. We Call On Him (take 3)
  10. We Call On Him (take 5)
  11. We Call On Him (take 7)
  12. We Call On Him (take 8)
  13. We Call On Him (take 9 master)
  14. We Call On Him (takes 1,4)
  15. You'll Never Walk Alone (take 1)
  16. You'll Never Walk Alone (take 2b)
  17. You'll Never Walk Alone (spliced master)
  18. You'll Never Walk Alone (takes 2a,3-6,8)
  19. Singing Tree (remake take 3)
  20. Singing Tree (remake master)
  21. Singing Tree (remake takes 1,2)

Disc 20

  1. Too Much Monkey Business (take 10)
  2. Too Much Monkey Business (overdubbed master)
  3. Too Much Monkey Business (takes 1,3,4,6,9,12)
  4. Goin' Home (take 21)
  5. Goin' Home (take 23)
  6. Goin' Home (take 29)
  7. Goin' Home (take 30 master)
  8. Goin' Home (takes 2-5,9-12,14,16-20,22,24,25,28)

Disc 21

  1. Stay Away (take 2b)
  2. Stay Away (take 6)
  3. Stay Away (take 9)
  4. Stay Away (take 13)
  5. Stay Away (take 14)
  6. Stay Away (take 15, undubbed master)
  7. Stay Away (Jerry Reed guitar overdub, take 1)
  8. Stay Away (overdubbed master)
  9. Stay Away (takes 1,2a, jam, 3-5,7,8,10-12)
  10. U.S. Male (take 10)
  11. U.S. Male (take 11b)
  12. U.S. Male (take 12 master)
  13. U.S. Male (takes 1-9,11a)
  14. Wings Of An Angel
Label Homemade
Release none



